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Jospeh Low-T Journey
What to expect
Week 1
Increase Energy Levels
You should start to experience an increase in energy levels and libido. The body starts to adjust to new hormone levels. This is a great time to start your regular workouts.
Week 2
Overall Health Improvements
Improved sleep, memorable dreams, and increased brain function providing a more optimistic life outlook. You are staring to gain momentum now - keep on top of your workouts and start building a new life balance.
Week 3 and 4
Significant Changes
Increased muscle mass and strength starts to materialize. You are on your way to the new you! Hard work with proper diet and regular workouts will maximize your results.
Weeks 5 through 8
The New You
Increased muscle tone, weight loss, increased strength, improved skin, improved mental clarity, improved digestion, and improved vision should all occur during the second month of therapy. Get excited! The new you is starting to take shape. Keep it going!