Meet Jospeh and hear his journey

Meet Joseph:
Jospeh is now 50 years old, he is a father of two daughters. He is self employed and the executive of his technology company with multiple offices in US and EU. We are glad Jospeh decided to share his story and life journey with Iron Remedy MD. We feel his story is indicative of most men in todays fast paced world. We are also glad he joined Iron Remedy MD to help treat his Low-T and we are always excited to hear our patients success stories.  Thanks for sharing, Joseph – we are glad you are part of the Iron Remedy MD family. 

Jospeh Low-T Journey

Young and Energetic – The late 20’s:
Life evolves fast. I was 28 feeling great, just starting my company and things were moving fast and efficient. The business doing well and by 31 we were ready to expand to Europe. I took the risk and expanded. Times were great traveling from US to France, Italy and all over Europe was invigorating and exciting. I was unstoppable. I meet great people, worked hard and long and the company had some success.
Married and evolving mid 30’s:
I meet my wife one trip to Europe at a dinner party with friends when traveling. Fast forward a few years and life takes hold. I was still traveling a lot back and forth and still feeling good, things were a little harder, more jet lag, late nights out got harder to deal with and of course running businesses are never easy. But we’re enjoying life, less travel, more stress but living life and enjoying life experiences.

Benefits of treatment

  • More Energy

  • Improved Sleep

  • Elevated Mood

  • Added Muscle Tone

  • Higher Quality of Life

Start your treatment journey

If you are experiancing symptoms of Low-T it may be time to talk with Iron Remedy MD to help you clinically treat Low-T.

Work, stress and kids – Mid 40’s
With our second child on the way, business was tougher, a lot of global changes, ups and downs in our business took hold and family and business travel got much more difficult. Age and the daily stress of life was starting to catch up with me. My energy and overall mental wellbeing was declining. I enjoyed my wife and kids but I started to feel totally drained. Our second child was born a beautiful little girl. My wife and I talked about life and said we got this. We can do this. After a few years I was drained even more and was getting older and could not keep up with my life, work schedule and family.
My wife was a champ and did a lot to balance the house, her and the kids life and my work. I started sleeping less, headaches due to work, intense stress and our sex life was declining which causes a whole lot of different issues. I just had no energy for my kids, my work, or my wife and my motivation was totally gone. The business declined and depression set in. I just did not feel like myself and things were not well. Everything was wrong. I gained weight, health issues started to creep in – blood pressure, stress , cholesterol to name a few.
Getting older – or so I thought – Late 40’s:
I went to the doctor for normal check ups and the doctors tell me you’re doing ok. Just getting older. You need to exercise, watch what you eat and reduce stress. Good luck doc – I travel from US to EU 4-6 times per year, stress of work and 2 kids make it hard to do anything especially with no energy or ambition.
At this time I really felt horrible and the sick care system in the US just told me I am getting older – it’s part of life. I accepted that for about a year but one day I meet a guy on a flight and he was 59, looked great, full of energy, and was also a business owner and father of 3 so we had a lot in common. After we talked for a while I told him how I just can’t keep up anymore.
It did not take long for him to say, you’re not old, your testosterone is low. He told me Low T is part of getting older but that Low T is clinically treatable. His own testosterone levels were once low, but he got treated and got his testosterone levels up to over 800 and said it changed his life. More energy, more vigor and better libido and mindset.He told me there’s no reason you can’t be your young self again for your wife, your family and your own wellbeing. He told me to look into low testosterone treatments. He gave me the plan he was on with a company called Iron Remedy MD. So I looked into it.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

TRT is a medical treatment designed to supplement or replace testosterone in men whose bodies do not produce sufficient amounts of the hormone.

The new me – 50 now and crusading it:
I found Iron Remedy MD and saw that it was Co-founded by Mike Tyson. I said well if this guy can do it at almost 60 and if Mike Tyson does TRT, and he needs it, then I certainly need it. So I got checked. I ordered my lads – and my testosterone level was 365. I figure that was low and the doctor confirmed that it was below where it should be. I went through a full medical evaluation with my virtual doctor visit and the doctor prescribed testosterone injections twice per week. I was skeptical but I remembered what my friend told me. So I ordered the meds and started my new wellness journey.
After few weeks I stared to feel more energy, I stared to get back into the gym. Hey things are getting better. Over the next 4 months I totally transformed from being tired of being tired and no energy and lack of sleep to my young self again. I recently got my new testosterone report from Iron Remedy MD and my testosterone level is over 800. Yes – baby, I am back! I sleep great now, I have tremendous energy. I get to gym 4 times a week. I spend so much quality time with my wife and kids – it’s amazing. Needless to say my wife loves the attention she’s getting now and my libido is strong – if you know what I’m saying:) The extra bed time is great. I look and feel great. I lost weight, I gained muscle mass and I feel 35 again.
My life totally changed. I went from unhappy, getting older, stress and lack of well being to the man I know I am – strong, powerful, energetic and loving husband and father. My boy is older now in sports and I can almost keep up with him. My daughter is running around like a mad woman and I definitely enjoy having the energy to chase her around. She’s still and will always be the apple of daddy’s eye. I am so thankful I meet Craig on that flight. It changed my life and I am thankful for the ongoing support I get from Iron Remedy MD. The team at Iron Remedy MD is truly amazing. Mike Tyson’s Iron Remedy MD has changed my and my families life.

What to expect

Week 1

Increase Energy Levels

You should start to experience an increase in energy levels and libido. The body starts to adjust to new hormone levels. This is a great time to start your regular workouts.

Week 2

Overall Health Improvements

Improved sleep, memorable dreams, and increased brain function providing a more optimistic life outlook. You are staring to gain momentum now - keep on top of your workouts and start building a new life balance.

Week 3 and 4

Significant Changes

Increased muscle mass and strength starts to materialize. You are on your way to the new you! Hard work with proper diet and regular workouts will maximize your results.

Weeks 5 through 8

The New You

Increased muscle tone, weight loss, increased strength, improved skin, improved mental clarity, improved digestion, and improved vision should all occur during the second month of therapy. Get excited! The new you is starting to take shape. Keep it going!

Champion Your Life

Clinical Hormone Therapy

Unlock transformative benefits with physician-backed testosterone treatment.